Hi! I'm Ponki, gamedev from Venezuela. I like to make my own games and recreate famous games but with my style, using Godot Engine. I show my games in my Youtube Channel and how do I make them.
I've done 3 games:
A recreation of Donkey Kong(1981) but with "low budget" called "Cranky vs Jumpman, published in November 1st of 2023.
A recreation of Five Nights At Freddys(2014) but by MEMORY. That means that I couldn't use ANY information, video, sound, or image about FNAF before I Finished the proyect. Started in January and Published in December 20th of 2024.
And a game for the "Godot Wild Jam #77" called MetaBUGFosis. Published in January 19th of 2025.
I've get a LOT of experience making those 3 games, and I want to upgrade them(excepts FNAF) with better graphics, sounds, mecanics, controls and more. Thanks for reading!